"In the Roman Catholic, there are seven sacraments which Christ instituted and entrusted to the Church. Sacraments are rituals that Catholics see as signs of God's presence and effective channels of God's grace to all those who receive them with the proper disposition.
The sevenfold list of sacraments is often organized into those of:
Sacraments of Initiation (into the Church, the body of Christ):
the Eucharist
Sacraments of Healing:
Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments at the service of communion and the mission of the faithful:
Holy Orders
I never really understood these seven sacraments nor appreciated them until the time I went on this Path. To me, they were just meaningless rituals. As God explained certain sacraments, I realized that these sacraments are part and parcel of how He achieves salvation for us.
“The doctrine of the sacraments is the doctrine of the second part of God's way of salvation to us. It deals with the holy signs which Christ instituted as the vehicles of his grace."29.”